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[SA:MP] Sunset Roleplay

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    Cocaine can be produced at one of the cocaine labs which are set around the map. Cocaine labs are accessed by factions who control the related turf to it or have successfully completed Arms Trafficking Mission.
    Turf provides access key to one cocaine lab while Arms Trafficking Mission provides access to two cocaine labs.

    For producing cocaine at the lab, you require these items:

    Coca leaves (Can be obtained from harvesting planted coca seeds) Gasoline (Can be purchased from a tool store) Levamisole (Can be purchased from a dealer) Coca seeds (Can be purchased from a dealer)

    /cocaine [produce | add | collect | harvest | plant | water]
    /buy (at toolstore)
    /dealer (near a dealer)
    /nearest > Businesses > tool store

    Weed Production of Weed (Weed Business):

    You’re able to produce weed in a suitable growing environment inside of a property, which may be marked as a business. You can purchase their properties from players. You must have weed seeds (to be purchased from the dealer) to plant weed and there’s a limited amount of space for them to grow. Since there is less risk and more safety, the grams you get per harvest are lesser than the weed fields in outside environment.

    Production of Weed (Outside Environment):

    You can plant weed seeds across almost the entire map, which has a suitable environment enough and contains enough greenery for the weed plants to thrive. Police Officers will need to spend way more time looking for such fields, as we won’t be limited to just a few fields in the entire map. There is greater risk in this and you may be awarded more grams per each harvest of weed plant.

    The process of growing weed is same both in outside environment and weed businesses. Once you have planted a weed seed, you will have to wait for 1.5 hour (1 hour and 30 minutes) for it to be ready to be watered. After you have watered a plant, you will have to wait another 1.5 (1 hour and 30 minutes) hour for it to be ready for harvest

    /dealer - (to purchase seeds from the dealer)
    /purchase - (to purchase a weed business)
    /weed (plant, water, harvest, ripout)
    /craft joint - (PERK)

    Meth Production of Methamphetamine:

    Meth can be produced inside a journey van (make sure its in rural areas/countryside), once you start producing you’ll see smoke coming out of the journey van, so be careful.

    For producing meth you require these items:

    Red Phosphorus (Can be purchased from a dealer) Acetone (Can be purchased from a dealer) Lithium (Can be purchased from a dealer) Journey van (which you can purchase from players via /ad, or from dealership)

    With the right ingredients from the dealer, you’ll be able to cook meth right inside of the van (using /getin, you can enter a journey van through its back, and use “/getout” to get off). The process involves you have the required ingredients, and complete certain tasks (you’ll be instructed about each step once you start producing). How you do these tasks will ultimately affect the quantity of your production outcome.

    /getin OR /getout
    /meth [produce | cancel]
    /dealer - (to purchase required ingredients from a dealer)
    /craft meth syringe - (PERK)

    Heroin Production of Heroin:

    Heroin can be produced inside heroin shacks which are randomly found are the map in rural areas/countryside

    To start producing heroin, you need these items:

    Opium (Red flowers objects, that can be found around countryside areas, especially green grounds) Acetone (Can be purchased from a dealer) Lithium (Can be purchased from a dealer)

    /heroin [produce | add | cancel | empty | collect]
    /dealer - (to purchase required ingredients from a dealer)
    /craft heroin syringe - (PERK)

  • 44 Topics
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    The Wonderful Story of Abdullah Al Belgian


    Abdullah was born and raised in Iraq. He was a good Muslim man who promotes peace and freedom.

    Iraq was a beautiful country with peace roaming all over its corners. Abdullah’s parents were also Sunni Muslims who didn’t do their prayers but were good people.
    Abdullah Al Belgian went to school where he learned a lot about the world. Yet, his teachers were always telling him about how the West is always there to help the poor and promote peace. Abdullah always dreamed of travelling all over the world to discover it.

    Abdullah graduates from school, high school and then college and earned his deserved degree in psychology and social science.


    With the invasion of Iraq. Abdullah witnessed the death of his parents together when they were home after he came back from his office.

    They were airstriked and went to pieces.
    Abdullah felt a mixture of feelings and human emotions. He was sad, angry and overwhelmed. But he couldn’t react to the massacre of his family. Something deep inside him changed forever.

    The next day, US social media and news reported the killing of terrorists and claimed responsibility of killing Abdullah’s family even tho they had no connection to any terrorists. Yet, the fake media gave false numbers about the injuries and didn’t mention civillians, even tho they were almost all of them civillians.

    At the time, AlQaeda was growing especially after the 9/11 operation. Abdullah became a supporter over time, seeing them locate, kidnap and execute spies and US soliders made him feel the need to be a part of fighting those who killed his family and declared them as terrorists.

    In 2021, Abdullah was identified as the most notorious serial killer of Jews, Ex-Muslims, Crusaders and whoever was recognized as evil or a threat.

    His teammates gathered counter-intelligence about the CIA and MI6. He knew that he was getting killed by the wrongdoers if he doesn’t move quickly. First he decided to wear an explosive belt. Abdullah had nothing else to lose. He lost his mom’s love forever and his father’s care as well. He forgot what empathy felt like and what life was when his parents were alive. He is now soulless and dead inside. His only and ultimate job now is a hunter. Hunter for Jews and wrongdoers.

    Once Abdullah made his mind. He kept wearing the explosive belt all the time incase they get to him. He was ready to die, certainly not alone.

    Abdullah Al Belgian found a way to escape. He managed to recruit people in the FBI, CIA and MI6.


    Now the question is, where is he going?
    It was simple for Abdullah. He will go straight to the wrongdoers. To invade their home. Just like they did to his.

    He finally managed to get transported to the US. But was told to stay off the radar. It wasn’t new to him. He’s already doing that since ever.

    Abdullah goes to San Andreas nation and take the train to the Los Santos city. Abdullah Al Belgian, the brave solider who suffered, saw and lived in hell for his life is now in Los Santos Unity Station. It’s time for him to take his revenge.


    Abdullah made unlimited efforts to show the truth of the wrongdoers to the believers of Los Santos, he is now -with the help of God- the savior of Los Santos from the evil San Andreas government who plays its major part in killing innocent people and then brag about it and make it look like a victory.

    Abdullah finds a Muslim brother in the sin city of Los Santos, who was a real brother and brave enough to name himsel, Abumurad Al Belgian. The two soliders continue on their path until God sends them another believer to help them with the mission. They get to meet this brother who helped them stay anonymous and avoid getting arrested at any costs. It was the second lion who later named himself, Amir Al Belgian.

    The three Muslim brothers continue their operations around the city with challenges but no actual big problems. The message of the brothers is expanding and people are joining them in their Caliphate and will soon show the city that peace can and will exist.

    After years of recruitment, training and influence. The Islamic State of Los Santos forms and creates the Belgian Brigades! Which also has two major branches. Mujahideen, who fight for Islam and peace. Jundallah shadow soliders who gather intelligence and accomplish assassination of the top sinners in Los Santos.

    ISLS claims its own territories and makes daily meetings in multiple secret untraceable locations that keep changing every hour outside Los Santos borders.

    It is time for the believers to join the ISLS. Otherwise, they are considered as servants for the wrongders and will get beheaded by the fighters in the name of Allah just like the ones before them.

  • 233 Topics
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    Unbanned me please I didn’t know my friend was that rude to your server but it will never happened again I know the server is no more but I really want to stay in the discord so please

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