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CocaineCocaine can be produced at one of the cocaine labs which are set around the map. Cocaine labs are accessed by factions who control the related turf to it or have successfully completed Arms Trafficking Mission.
Turf provides access key to one cocaine lab while Arms Trafficking Mission provides access to two cocaine labs.
For producing cocaine at the lab, you require these items:
Coca leaves (Can be obtained from harvesting planted coca seeds) Gasoline (Can be purchased from a tool store) Levamisole (Can be purchased from a dealer) Coca seeds (Can be purchased from a dealer)Commands:
/cocaine [produce | add | collect | harvest | plant | water]
/buy (at toolstore)
/dealer (near a dealer)
/nearest > Businesses > tool store
You’re able to produce weed in a suitable growing environment inside of a property, which may be marked as a business. You can purchase their properties from players. You must have weed seeds (to be purchased from the dealer) to plant weed and there’s a limited amount of space for them to grow. Since there is less risk and more safety, the grams you get per harvest are lesser than the weed fields in outside environment.
Production of Weed (Outside Environment):You can plant weed seeds across almost the entire map, which has a suitable environment enough and contains enough greenery for the weed plants to thrive. Police Officers will need to spend way more time looking for such fields, as we won’t be limited to just a few fields in the entire map. There is greater risk in this and you may be awarded more grams per each harvest of weed plant.
The process of growing weed is same both in outside environment and weed businesses. Once you have planted a weed seed, you will have to wait for 1.5 hour (1 hour and 30 minutes) for it to be ready to be watered. After you have watered a plant, you will have to wait another 1.5 (1 hour and 30 minutes) hour for it to be ready for harvest
/dealer - (to purchase seeds from the dealer)
/purchase - (to purchase a weed business)
/weed (plant, water, harvest, ripout)
/craft joint - (PERK)
Meth can be produced inside a journey van (make sure its in rural areas/countryside), once you start producing you’ll see smoke coming out of the journey van, so be careful.
For producing meth you require these items:
Red Phosphorus (Can be purchased from a dealer) Acetone (Can be purchased from a dealer) Lithium (Can be purchased from a dealer) Journey van (which you can purchase from players via /ad, or from dealership)With the right ingredients from the dealer, you’ll be able to cook meth right inside of the van (using /getin, you can enter a journey van through its back, and use “/getout” to get off). The process involves you have the required ingredients, and complete certain tasks (you’ll be instructed about each step once you start producing). How you do these tasks will ultimately affect the quantity of your production outcome.
/getin OR /getout
/meth [produce | cancel]
/dealer - (to purchase required ingredients from a dealer)
/craft meth syringe - (PERK)
Heroin can be produced inside heroin shacks which are randomly found are the map in rural areas/countryside
To start producing heroin, you need these items:
Opium (Red flowers objects, that can be found around countryside areas, especially green grounds) Acetone (Can be purchased from a dealer) Lithium (Can be purchased from a dealer)Commands:
/heroin [produce | add | cancel | empty | collect]
/dealer - (to purchase required ingredients from a dealer)
/craft heroin syringe - (PERK)