Character Names (both characters): Kyle_Slater, Chhota_Zhang
Master * Reshawn
Discord * LuvKyle
Age: 16
Country: Trinidad and Tobago
Why do you wish to join: I would like to join to help newbies and upcoming players that may want to join the server. I also play SS-RP all the time helping players on /ask if they need assistance when there are no staff members online to assist them. I was also once a rulebreaker, but I am currently trying to change it and have a fresh start without being punished. I know the server rules but that one day i mistakenly said the wrong words it got me banned and I would like to show samp players how improved ss-rp has become. Firstly, I would like to apologize to the administration team for mis-behaving the day i get banned and hopefully you can forgive me in the future.
Describe yourself:I am kind, understanding, creative and diligent in my duties.
What qualifications do you have to make you a good pick? I play samp during my free time and I have many free time for these 2 months because my summer break has started, and I would be more active without having to think about school. I see this not only as an opportunity to be on the staff team but to have a job. You need to show respect, hardwork, activity and kindness. I think you’ve seen me appy many times, which all resulted in me being rejected due to punishment history. This time I come better and stronger with a more grown up mind to show how much I’ve changed over the couple weeks. Firstly i removed myself from trouble’s way to prevent myself from being punished in any kinds of way. But sometimes I got muted for misusing /ask for stupid stuff, and I do truly regret making such decisions. I hope I can show you my hardworking and creativity in the near future where I could finally overcome obstacles and work with you all like a pro.Do you have any experience of administrating in any other server? (if yes, which one(s) and what was your position?): Yes, Los Santos Ghetto, Senior administrator. States Mhad rp, Senior Administrator. Harmfield Deathmatch, Administrator and
AXIAN ROLEPLAY, Co-Owner.A newbie wants to know how to join SAPD as a volunteer, how are you going to guide him? Firstly, I would check the player’s character level as the level requirement is level 4/5. Secondly, I would then spawn a bike to transport him to get a driver’s license. After he completes this I would then show him towards cityhall where he would achieve a weapon license, then I would guide the newbie to lspd, carrying him into the police station to complete a volunteer application examination if he would like to proceed to be a cop. After doing this is would provide the newbie with necessary commands such as /r to speak in the radio, /tg to restock on weaponry, /trunk near a police vehicle then /beanbag or when he’s promoted to official officer /rack to re-arm, /dep to talk on the department radio(here is where all government factions talk), /mdc to check player information, /service if he would like to fix his car in garage, /su if he would like to suspect a player of criminal offenses, b1, to use mike to inform the suspect that the officer would like to execute a traffic stop. b2, b3 etc… After doing all this I would then notify the newbie if he would like to undertake an exam to become an official sapd officer, he can go to the ssrp government job site to make an application to apply or Whenever they are doing a live recruitment or he can contact a sargeant+ to provide him with the exam. I would then tell him he should attend the live recruitment as it’s the easiest way he can be ranked up from a volunteer to a probationary officer or recruit trooper. Lastly i would close the support ticket, welcoming the newbie to sapd, informing him that a senior officer would tip him more about the department. I would then warn him that commiting any sort of Dm’deatmatching’ on several counts while on duty, may lead to him achieving cop ban for a certaing period of time or until unbanned from a Sapd Staff personnel or any sorths of punishable actions seen by staff. For more info of the job he can do /help > Jobs > Police, and there would be a list of call codes if he would be interested in doing it.
A player just made a report ticket against someone, claiming they got DM’d (deathmatched). Write down the proper steps on how you’re going to solve it:
I would firstly add the reported player to the ticket or if IG (In game) I would pm them asking them if the accusations are true. If rejected I would then proceed to an administrator’s logs or ask the person who made the ticket if they have any proof of the incident to see what really happened. If player is found to be guilty of the report and was not previously warned by an administrator, he/she would be punished non-harshly due to it being their first time. Lastly, i would place the report-ticket in archive encase any further information would be needed from it or we may need to re-open it. -
Dont read it till tomorrow please my 3 month ban will be cleared tomorrow i was just anxious and excited to send in the application today. I always wanted to be apart of staff Ik I have a good bit of mutes but I can keep myself calm, this only happens an admin ignores my ticket or someone is trolling me. Sometimes I even say stupid things just for attention. I can stop all this if you just take my trust, please. All I ask for is for forgiveness. I know this may seem like alot but I hope this shows you how much interest I share into accomplishing this, Staff team.