Character Names: Tyrese_Vercetti
Master Username:dadio
Country:South Africa
Why do you wish to join: Beacause I’m realy excited about this new staff member recruitment because it meets perfectly with my skills and interests.
Describe yourself:im a open and honest person who doesn’t believe in other players mistreating others
What qualifications do you have to make you a good pick?:I can work well under pressure and can handle a fast-placed tickets.
Do you have any experience of administrating in any other server? (if yes, which one and what was your position?): Yes (Helper) Los Santos Roleplay Ghetto
**A newbie wants to know how to join SAPD as a volunteer, how are you going to guide him?:**I Suggest the newbie player should visit the SAPD to complete the given application form questions and this may include training.
A player just made a report ticket against someone, that he got DM’d (deathmatched). Write down proper steps on how you’re going to solve it:i Suggest if determined that the reported player did indeed Deathmatch i take disciplinary action with the game rules -