**Character Names (both characters):**Tommy_Forelli , Chappal_Vricyis
Master Username: Visura_Wassana
Discord Username: wind_rises.
Age: 16
Country: Sri Lanka
Why do you wish to join: because sometimes I play there are no admins and players stuck with supports and reports.
I like to help them and be a respectful staff member and get sunset RP to the top.
Describe yourself: I’m a very good , honest guy with a good English knowledge and can communicate with players easily.I like to help people.I have lots of experience in different RP servers.
What qualifications do you have to make you a good pick?: I played in the server nearly 6 months i guess and know all features on the server most of the time i help people in /ask.I have a good experience in RP. I played in a lot of RP servers.
Do you have any experience of administrating in any other server? (if yes, which one(s) and what was your position?): No.
A newbie wants to know how to join SAPD as a volunteer, how are you going to guide him?: First of all i will tell hims to read /faq and try if he can understand.if he cannot i will tell him in words First you must have a passport , drivers license etc. etc.
**A player just made a report ticket against someone, claiming they got DM’d (deathmatched). Write down the proper steps on how you’re going to solve it:**First of all i will tp both players to one place and ask there pov after i will decide if he DM or no if yes i will tell higher staff members respectfully about the report and let them get actions. -
- Bad punishment history