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Sunset Roleplay Dice Rolling Guidelines

Welcome to the exciting world of dice rolling on our server! To ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for everyone, please follow these guidelines:

1. Game Format:

Specify the number of rolls of the game you want to play (X1, X2, X3, etc.).
"X" represents the number of rolls each participant will make.

2. Gameplay Process:

The guest rolls first according to the specified X value.
The dealer follows suit, also rolling X times.
The participant with the highest cumulative number wins the game.

3. Initiating Rolls:

Wait for the dealer to give the signal to start or say "Go" before rolling.
Failure to follow this rule will result in the bet not counting.

4. Ties:

In the case of a tie (equal cumulative numbers), participants must wait for the dealer's signal to start or say "Go" again.
Do not proceed with the next round until instructed by the dealer.

5. Scam Awareness:

Gambling outside of designated casino areas is not monitored or protected by the administration team.
Be cautious of scams, as the administration team cannot assist with recovery outside of casino incidents.
If scammed inside the casino, report the incident to the administration team on Discord through a ticket for resolution.

6. Bet Confirmation:

Before initiating the rolls, both parties must confirm the agreed-upon bet amount.
Ensure mutual understanding to avoid any disputes later in the game.

7. Roll Transparency:

Keep the rolls transparent and visible to both participants.
Confirm the results with each other after each round to maintain trust.

8. Betting Etiquette:

Respect your fellow participants. Any form of harassment, cheating, or unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated.
Engage in fair play and maintain a friendly atmosphere during the games.

9. Communication Channels:

Use in-game chat to communicate with the dealer and other participants.
Refrain from using external communication platforms to ensure fairness.

10. Dispute Resolution:

In case of a dispute, contact the dealer immediately.
If an agreement cannot be reached, involve the administration team through the designated Discord channel to mediate.

11. Minimum and Maximum Bets:

Be aware of any established minimum and maximum bet limits in the casino.
Respect these limits to ensure a balanced and fair gaming environment.

12. Player Rotation:

To accommodate multiple players, follow a rotation system where each participant takes turns as a guest.
This ensures equal opportunities for everyone to participate and deal with.

13. Reporting Scams:

If you witness or suspect any form of scam or cheating, report it to the administration team immediately.
Provide as much detail as possible for a thorough investigation.

14. Adherence to Server Rules:

Ensure that all participants adhere to the general server rules in addition to the specific guidelines for dice rolling.
Violation of server rules may result in penalties or account suspension.

Note: Always gamble responsibly and within the designated casino area to enjoy a safe and secure gaming environment. Report any issues promptly to ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for all participants.

Remember, the key to a fun and fair game is communication and adherence to the guidelines.
Good luck, and may the dice be in your favor!