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Los Santos Cargo Company.

Hello folks,

Today I've been joining the "Los Santos Cargo Company". I joined this faction, because I'd love to RP as a trucker. Maintaining and fixing your own truck, bringing goodies to a location, role play the weather and the terrain, rest, traffic etc.

My observation about the problem:
As I joined I started doing orders, like first time it was okay, I was doing a little RP and just finished my first trailer full of gunpowder. While doing this made me think about the progress I'm making with my character and the RP opportunities. I found my self in a place where I was not relevant for any RP. I was just spamming the [Y] button filling up my trailer, driving to the location, spamming the [Y] button again. < Repeat this 5 or 10 times and you find yourself in a cops and robbers server spot. This has nothing to do with role play or increasing/improving the server and community with a RP opportunity. While this faction "Los Santos Cargo Company" has so much potential to put a huge role play scenario in the server, where more factions as civilians can be involved.

My suggestion on this:
I've explained my self with this problem I've been observed. Now I want more role play, how are we going to do that.

1) Add more trucks and trailers so we can go on a convoy > Higher ranks in the faction can make a plan to start a convoy on a date/time. So the most players in this faction would come online to participate in this.
2) Stop the spamming [Y] button function, implement a warehouse were we can RP loading the trailers with goodies and load the goodies instant with a menu or a command. (Something like > /trailer add [ammount] [sort of item])
3) Give us the opportunity to deliver dangerous goods under lead of SAPD. > This would improve also the rp for SAPD and gangs.
4) Add a salary based on the rank per paycheck > So we get rid of people who joins this amazing faction for only money.

This will improve the RP and give everyone a beautyfull chance to role play with this faction. SAPD can also be in the lead when we have dangerous goods to deliver. Gangs/organization would attempt to intercept us. SAFD could be here for the wounded people. Having a warehouse where we can role play > Loading the trailers, repairing our trucks, having fun time and helping each other over there.

Well, this is my suggestion and I would love to hear from the community. Please leave a opinion with the argument why.

Thanks everyone!