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[GUIDE] LSRP+ Screenshot Editor

Get the program here.

It's a program developed by Nexus which serves as a tool. It lets you make a friendlist based on IG names and track their status, has a financial simulator, chatlog archiver and parser and finally, a screenshot editor for those who can't understand or can't use Photoshop. I'm one of those that don't use Photoshop, so I'm here to make a guide about how to edit screenshots with this program.

Nexus' comment: No more "I don't know how to use photoshop". You won't need to anymore. With the screenshot editor module you can edit your screenshots and add chat on-top of them with the click of the button. Inspired by the Chatlog Magician from Kendrick_Underwood. Resize the editor window to adjust the size you want for your screenshot. Click and move around the screenshot to adjust it in the canvas. Once you're done editing your screenshots now you can stitch them together vertically with the click of a button.


How to edit screenshots?
Open the program, continue as guest, press "Screenshot Editor", then "Edit Screenshot" and upload your screenshot without chatbox (press F7 twice when taking screenshots). And then you will see this:

Load Image
Use this option if you want to load another image. Don't forget that your current progress will be lost.

Set Chat
Use this option if you want to add any text on the screenshot. Check the html colors codes below.

Image Size
Use this option if you want to change the size of the screenshot you're editing.

Chat Settings
Use this option if you want to access the font's settings, e.g.: font size, font style, font bold, etc.

Use this option if you want to close the application. Don't forget that your current progress will be lost.

Use this option to save the edited screenshot anywhere on your desktop.

LSRP+ colorlist for SS-RP.

{8B409E} - /me, /do, /my
{BC8EC7} - /ame
{C19EE0} - IC Chat (including /s)
{CF7911} - Advertisement
{637F69} - Walkie Talkie (since WT has two different colors, and that is possible to do in LSRP+ SE, I'd suggest using this one only as it is lighter)
{7EC3D9} - Storing/loading something in/from a house (including /give)
{24CC5A} - /pay
They might not be completely up to date or missing so let me know if that's the case.

Some screenshots that I did when using this program:
To be uploaded.